
The Puppy Pads

Proving we are pack rats, not only is our medicated powder at least a decade old, likely more like 15 years plus as proven by the price tag from PharMor a long defunct drug store line, we use the puppy pads in stock for me to sit on as a protective barrier when needed. These pads were purchased for Molly, in her final years as she uncontrollably spotted. Of course the effectiveness was equivalent to pissing in the wind, and we eventually replaced the carpet we so valiantly tried to protect, but we did have a pack of puppy pads left over we could not bring ourselves to part with. Who was to know years later how handy they would be. I do not present the same challenge as the dog as to proper pad placement and so far have not scrapped one due to dribbling, only wear and tear for my swiveling my fat ass on one.

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