
Karen's Call

‘Mike, are you alright?’ Some people have a voice that is unmistakable. You know who it is as soon as you hear it. Karen’s is like that. In high school she was one of the beautiful people in the class. Tall, with black hair and striking features yet open and loving and oh so gullible, Karen sounds today just as she did when I first met her, some 46 years ago or so. ‘I saw your name on the prayer list at church but I did not connect it with you. There are a lot of Mike Courtney’s out there.’ Really, I thought, there are a lot of them? I had no idea. And some of them are making prayer lists in churches in my home town, where there was only one Mike Courtney I thought. ‘Then Debbie told me she got a note from you.’ ‘I have cancer’ I answered. Karen wanted details, abdomen not enough, where in the abdomen. After a few probing questions on her part I explained the bladder tumor and cancer found in lymph nodes. She related an inspirational story of another class mate and breast cancer survivor that is doing well. It is interesting that so many have related back to me upon hearing my news of others who fought the fight and continue to live life. Cancer strikes so many it seems no person is untouched.

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