
May 25, 2010 Ridin' With The Lortab

As I write this the dawn rises on May 25. So far I am feeling pretty good. After the long day yesterday we dined at Skyline and upon returning home I passed out for about 6 hours, awaking only for the mandatory draining of the bladder 3 or 4 times. At present I am riding the high of a Lortab, at mid point of its 4 hour window. Typing is getting a little shaky so it is time to take a break.
Today is Tuesday and another hour in the automatic Inger at physical therapy. It's just not the same thing to have the strange contraption panting and wheezing and it compresses and relaxes up and down my lower half. I could get used to it but not on the treatment table I must sit on. My leg has improved enough that I can walk farther with much less discomfort although I am far from being able to make more than a few hundred feet at a time. My feet are still too gnarly and bloated for normal shoes. The modified sandals with bungee cords and metal spring clips get comments from everyone, as well as the stick I carry that my Dad made of a vine at his river cottage so many years ago. I hope to feel well enough for the gym in the morning.

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