
My Battleship A Daughters Love

Looking back Fathers Day seems a lifetime ago.  My summer was filled with many good times and new experiences.  Every weekend was a treat, my Wife a joy and my Daughter's close at hand.  Jocelyn gave me a replica of a famous guided missle cruiser, knowing my love of toys, along with this note. 
She must of been thinking I was considering giving up the fight and wanted to make sure I understood what was at stake.  Rex told me he never understood how someone like me with so much to lose and leave could go for years without seeing a doctor for regular exams.  Hmmmmmm, could it be shameful self centernesss on my part, fear that something might really be wrong and I would end up as I am?  A healthy dose of that and more.  Knowing how I deserve what the Good Lord has bestowed upon me is above my paygrade. 

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