
Tough Girls Tough Guys

Are there signals now?  My imagination soars.  A shadow movement, a person in on the edge, a voice it’s signal lost.  It is easy to fall for imagination so great the desire to carry on.  I am blessed with a very active and intelligent full time Wife who is a constant mental challenge and makes sure I don’t go over the edge.  To keep the focus on me she hides her own condition by discussing her issues with her Daughters instead of me.  I cannot escape the irony that in 36 years of marriage she rarely vented to her Daughters.  My swept silver hair is testimony in part to the same.  In 2010 she diverted and it is a good thing there are two of them.  Sometimes they remind me of the family of androids on the Star Trek episode that had a triangular stone hanging on their chest.  They were all beautiful women save one, a male named Norman.  When Kirk cut loose with his liberal logic the brunettes communed and when they could not answer they called for Norman to coordinate all of the minds of the entire android problem to answering the problem.  Norman relied on a super computer.  So my beautiful Daughters and Wife meet through the miracles of technology so many times a day and week through this long ordeal.  A whole world without Norman now, I am left out of the loop, coordinating and staying strong thank you very much.  Watching closely and caring so deeply.  Women surely are God’s grace incarnate here on Earth with hearts so deep and strong.  This relationship of Mother and Daughters gives me great peace.  After the pain of loss passes the Widow will begin a new life, as it always happens.  For her it will be a new place likely, for she has always been one to move and never look back, but only closer to her Daughters.  Together they will find the happiness of life and move on. 
Working with Nurse M I have a new pain regimen.  I will switch from the oxy to a time release morphine sulphate, 20 milligram, two per day max.  Joe warns it will initially ‘put me in the chair’.  We’ll start next week after the next infusion. Rex has been of great help in demonstrating how a balance can be achieved and one can work productively while in constant pain.  Hell, if he can do it I surely can has been my motto and continues to be.  He is a hell of a lot more active than me always flying, living in motels and spending days on airport tarmacs and in hangers and equipment buildings regardless of the hellish weather.  He always loved the winter.  Back in the day we got some of our best business in the snow.  We once paired up and took his turbo rear drive Thunderbird on a what ever you do don’t stop trip to Logansport and back in January to close a new equipment and system order.  We were the only bidders to show up and got the order.  That is what is called being a tough guy in the old fashion pre e mail, voice mail, smart phone, data base, six sigma days of business now gone for well over a decade.  When it comes to my Brother I will never be as tough as he but always aspire that to be.   

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