

BAM, the pain of a searing hot needle jammed up the grandma chafer lifts me out of the chair just a little and I am off to the toilet.  An hour, give or take a little has passed and so must I, pass that is.  24/7 the routine goes on, with the painful urge every hour on the hour.  No matter day or dead of night, wide awake or dead asleep, the signal to drain the vein comes like clockwork hard and sudden, BAM, my eyes open wide and I wince a little.   I guess the Lord wants to make sure I get the message.  I get it.  Seven weeks of it now and little signs it is letting up.  I hope I am healing.  As with all things we adjust.  I am ahead of it with regard to pain medication this time, which makes my life a lot easier from the get go.   
It’s Sunday and the Hays Family again last night exceeded our expectations taking us to a most excellent Italian restaurant for dinner as thanks for watching the dog while they cavorted about the Caribbean.  Truth be known they could probably talk me into paying to watch the dog, but I am not stepping up to shout that off the rooftops.  We were also going to go to the Warhol exhibit but the combination of Women expotentionally extricated the time allotted for cushion resulting in a shortage of time on the other end.  Otherwise if it were a 24 hour show we would have been set, but since it closed at 5PM we would have to plan to leave to see it by 10 AM to make a 2PM drop dead.  Be that as it may, the dinner and company was the greater joy.
I did the BAM only twice during a long dinner and an adequate facility was within easy reach.  Our take home was enough for full meals later.   Over the weekend I doubled up on the pain med before taking off to do something.  This seemed to make life a lot easier on myself and Vanessa.  The interval increased as well so total pills per 24 only went up one, to six per day.
While draining the ole trouser trout is painful and drinking makes you drain more failure to drink increases the pain.  Mathematically this is a real stumper.  I have discovered that if I become dehydrated the pain at the pump really increases.  So drink and pee more with less pain per visit or don’t drink, pee less but still have the regular BAM only the BAM becomes much hotter and lasts a lot longer.  The animal goes to great lengths to insure my discomfort.  All day Sunday and Monday I worked to keep my fluid intake steady through the day and night.  With Tuesday’s dawn I am improved.  BAM, oop’s gotta go.  

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