
Getting The Meds Right

The bark of the Cascara Sagrada will now be applied to get the bowel to move.  Yes, on recommendation of a close friend Vanessa provides me with this organic approach as I continue to struggle with managing the chemistry of my body and the animal.  I sadly must devote time to this subject again, and will in the future until I find a solution.  To once again lament that we can put a man on the moon but we cannot find a pain killer that kills the pain and does not paralyze the bowel seems pointless.  In retrospect we must have some seriously misplaced priorities.  I will experiment this weekend.  I love this trial and error stuff.  Vanessa has complete faith and even provided me with an information page with 4 color pictures and a dissertation in 16 point on the evils of the TT’s as I shall call them, the turd toxins.  Why according to this spiel a third of all the maladies to be laid upon mankind could be forgotten with clean pipes and an end to TT’s.  A few drops of tea made from this bark on the ‘exposed intestines of a recently sacrificed laboratory rat will cause the intestines to move, you can imagine what it an do for a live person’ goes the story.  OK, I am trying to imagine, but having some difficulty drawing a parallel between recently sacrificed lab rat and me.   Of course I love experimenting on myself.  The whole idea of eating the bark of a tree to clean the bowel appeals to me.  After all I first scoffed at the sea aloe thing but I pay thirty bucks a month to have a shot a day and swear it has significant impact.  In fact of late I am wondering if I am helping the animal with the supplement more than me.  Anyway, clearly if I go for seaweed I am open to anything. 
And why is it that these organic remedies have such exotic names? Why can’t I eat the bark of the Sugar Maple and get the same effect?  Did the Creator by design hide these miracles in rain forests for safe keeping for all mankind?  I have no idea.  I will trust Vanessa and Judi her buddy.  I did morphine last night at about 9p and had a pretty good night. 
Friday was a long work day with a lot of miles Vanessa at the wheel.  We went to and about Indy and then to Muncie at the end of the day.  I took a root capsule and had a rough night.  Saturday I was up all night fighting the incessant back ache.  Sunday morning Van made me down morphine and I had a comfortable day.  The back ache cam back on around 7:30P as it has this past week or so.  I kept it under control with an oxycodone and then morphine at the 12 hour interval.  Sunday night the pain returned, same time same station.  This after great care was taken in my diet Sunday.  It was morphine at around 9P and a kicker oxycodone around 2 AM and rest and sleep.  The animal is once again humbled and put at bay.  It will not dominate my nights with pain and discomfort.  It will take the morphine, a disappointment for me as I hate the drug but it is doing the job at present.  

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